“Looking inside his head”

01 April 2022

“Looking inside his head”

In the first episode of Season 2 of the podcast Des histoires qui résonnent, Marina Orsini discusses the question of recognition with her guests, Kim Thúy, Sébastien Pelletier, Édith Lemay and Francine Ducharme.

La reconnaissance discutée par Kim Thùy et Marina Orsini dans le balado

Seeing the world as he does

Life has given Kim Thúy a different son, one with autism.

When a baby starts to crawl, we also crawl to look for electrical outlets, for hazards, to prevent him from hurting himself. For Valmond, I have to look inside his head to see the world as he does. To see what is hostile or difficult for him, what bothers him, what hurts him.

Absorbed in this flurry of adaptations and learning, Kim did not wonder if she had become a caregiver. It wasn’t until six years later that the thought crossed her mind, she tells Marina.

Des histoires qui résonnent

In this same episode, Marina Orsini also discusses the question of recognition with Sébastien Pelletier, Édith Lemay and Francine Ducharme.

Sébastien Pelletier and Édith Lemay have four children, three of whom, Mia, Colin and Laurent, have a degenerative genetic eye disease for which there is still no cure. Francine Ducharme is an honorary professor at the Faculty of Nursing of the Université de Montréal and a researcher at the Research Centre of the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal.

Season 2 of the Caregiver podcast is now online (in French only)

Issues discussed in the podcast…

To recognize oneself, to be acknowledged, to feel valued … in the daily life of a caregiver, this is no small thing. It can take months or even years before some people recognize themselves as caregivers. There are practical tips available:

  1. Mon parcours de proche aidant;
  2. Proche aidant, ou aidant naturel?
  3. La reconnaissance des proches aidants dans la loi;
  4. Faciliter mon quotidien.

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