Indoor gardening, a relaxing activity

22 April 2020

Indoor gardening, a relaxing activity

22 April 2020

Are you looking for an easy and relaxing activity that is within everyone’s reach? How about indoor gardening? Here are some tips to get you started.

Windowsill cultivation

You may not have a balcony, a terrace or a backyard, but you have windows! This is where your garden begins.

While you won’t be able to produce as much food as an exterior garden, you will be surprised to find out that you can grow a large variety of vegetables inside. For example, bok choy, cabbage, watercress, kale, lettuce, salad greens, oriental mustard, arugula, radishes and beets. You can also grow herbs, such as dill, basil, chervil, coriander, fennel, sorrel and parsley.

What do you need?

Here is what you need, according to gardener Larry Hodgson:

● Pots equipped with drainage holes
● Saucers
● Compost for sowing or indoor plants
● Bags of seeds of your favourite varieties
● A large bowl
● A spoon
● A pair of scissors

Indoor gardening is a relaxing and creative activity and a great way to keep your mind occupied!


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