Being a caregiver to someone with prostate cancer

25 September 2020

Being a caregiver to someone with prostate cancer

25 September 2020

Since it is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, we have gathered some resources to better prepare you for being a caregiver to a man with this form of cancer.

Prostate cancer by the numbers

Prostate cancer is the most widespread form of cancer among men in Canada (except for skin cancers other than melanoma). It is the third leading cause of cancer deaths among Canadians.
In 2020, it is estimated that 64 Canadians will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 11 Canadians will die of this disease every day. In Quebec, 12 men a day are diagnosed with prostate cancer and nearly 900 families lose a loved one to this disease every year.

Detecting and treating prostate cancer at an early stage increases the chances of successful treatment.

Being a caregiver to someone with prostate cancer

Taking care of someone with prostate cancer can be a challenging experience. As a caregiver, you need to be prepared for the difficult days, appointments, lengthy visits to the hospital and treatments, but also to be there to share the better days.

Prostate Cancer Canada offers an information brochure for caregivers (2019). This guide is designed to help you gain a better understanding of how you can support a loved one during his battle against prostate cancer. It also includes suggestions on how you can take care of yourself and to help you and your loved one cope with this diagnosis.

Caregiver-specific themes are explored on the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network websites. These sites encourage you to reflect on your experience in order to clarify your own needs and limits as a caregiver. You will also find to strategies to help you face this role more effectively.

Prostate cancer resources

Canadian Cancer Society
Prostate Cancer Canada has amalgamated with the Canadian Cancer Society and offers information on prostate cancer and on the various services available to people diagnosed with the disease and their loved ones.
Telephone: 1-888-939-3333

The primary goal of PROCURE Canada is to help prevent and cure prostate cancer.
Support line: 1-855-899-2873

TEMPO aims to provide the latest information to help you manage the common challenges experienced when you have or are supporting someone with prostate cancer. This program is free, confidential and available online.

My Prostate Cancer Roadmap
This website provides information, practical suggestions and resources to help you take care of your loved one with prostate cancer.

His prostate cancer
This website provides information to people whose loved one has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

This brochure provides information to people whose partner has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.


Need to talk?

Contact our Caregiver Support Helpline for counselling, information and referrals.

Every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Free of charge.

call  Caregiver info :  1 855 852-7784