COVID-19 - Focus on activity to maintain your physical and mental health

04 June 2020

COVID-19 - Focus on activity to maintain your physical and mental health

04 June 2020

Physical activity is a clear ally for your physical and mental fitness. During the pandemic, many initiatives have been created to encourage short activities in small spaces. The goal? To help make it easier for you take care of yourself.

Integrate physical activity into your daily routine without pressure

Move more, think about other things, try to lighten your mental load ... the benefits of physical activity are evident, as long as you respect your abilities, your habits and your other activities.

Engaging in physical activity during confinement should not be done to the detriment of your peace of mind. In other words, do not put extra pressure on yourself to do an activity every day at a given time. Try to gradually incorporate exercise into your schedule. Start with short periods of 20 to 30 minutes. Assess the situation: Was it helpful? Did you enjoy it? Or are you thinking about what you couldn’t do during that time?

This time should be a moment of relaxation for you, a few minutes to clear your mind and focus on something that does not cause you stress. Do not strive for performance and do not force yourself either. If you enjoy the activity and you are benefiting from it, including it in your day should be natural and easy. In short, if you are doing the activity grudgingly, you risk feeling more frustration than relief.

What activities for what benefits?

As a caregiver, you certainly have a lot to think about during the pandemic.  This exercise break should be used as an opportunity to boost your energy and reduce your negative emotions. To make the most of this, many platforms have suggestions for moving and staying active easily.

  • Why not start your day with some stretching, meditation or yoga? A gentle and practical way to release tension and start your day on the right foot.

- Centre évasion YouTube channel (in french)

- Centre évasion Facebook page (in french)

- Using meditation to reduce anxiety

  • Do you want to start an activity but lack time or space? Quick and easy programs are available:

- ParticipACTION website

- ParticipACTION YouTube channel

- FADOQ (in french)


  • Do you want programs targeted to your physical condition? Complete themed training programs are available that you can do at your convenience in spaces adapted to the constraints of the pandemic.

- Move 50+ (in french)

Do an activity with your loved one, it is possible

You could also enjoy a physical activity with your loved one, to share a pleasant moment with them. There are resources that offer programs adapted to health problems that might make physical activity challenging. Whether you are in good shape or you need to be cautious, the exercises are designed specifically to meet all levels of endurance, flexibility, balance, strength or muscle power:

- Vivifrail physical activity program

- Get moving with Le Go pour bouger program!

- Parkinson Canada

All these resources can help you find the right balance between routine and fun for you, whatever your objective: enjoy a moment to yourself, exert yourself or share a special moment with your loved one.

The important thing is that this activity stays positive, respects your physical abilities and does not expose you to extra tension. And remember that standing up every hour, walking, stretching, and climbing up or down stairs are also good practices to keep you moving. Finally, most of the activities suggested can also be done outside, as long as social distancing rules are respected.


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