Assessment time: how did 2020 actually pan out?

16 November 2020

Assessment time: how did 2020 actually pan out?

16 November 2020

2020 was without a shadow of a doubt, a very challenging year for caregivers. With that said, maybe we can go back and find some good moments or learning experiences here and there. Let's find out!

What is a self-assessment?

Simply put, a self-assessment is when you take a step back in life in order to conduct an honest and objective self-evaluation. That means focusing on this year's positive and difficult times with the aim of preparing yourself for next year.

In other words, conducting an assessment allows us to rise above our current situation. We know very well that it is not always easy to delegate the time to stop and reflect, especially for the many caregivers that already have a hectic daily routine. This assessment is not mandatory, but if adventure entices you, here's some food for thought.

The results may come as a shock– but maybe 2020 is sprinkled with more positive moments that we initially thought?

How to prepare

  1. Like with any personal growth activity, it's best to be in a space where you feel most comfortable
  2. Set aside one hour to complete the exercise: this is a precious moment with yourself that you deserve to set time aside for;
  3. Settle in a quiet space: focus on yourself by limiting external distractions;
  4. Bring writing materials: paper, pencil or a computer, whatever you prefer;
  5. Be open and honest with yourself: in order for the assessment to be effective, you must be transparent.

What questions should I ask myself?

It's true that there are many ways to reflect, but we decided to go with the following series of open-ended questions:

  1. What was my most memorable moment of 2020?
  2. What were my biggest accomplishments, moments of joy and pride?
  3. What are the moments that I am grateful for?
  4. What people, activities and actions were positive and energizing?
  5. What were my most painful and difficult moments?
  6. What were my main sources of stress and fatigue?
    • How did I overcome these hardships?
    • In what ways?
    • In what frame of mind?
  1. What does that say about my strengths and abilities?
  2. What things would I have liked to have done differently this year?
  3. What things did I do differently this year?
  4. What would I like to separate myself from? It could a person, a habit, an object or a thought.
  5. What would I like to get closer to? It could be a person, a habit, an object or a thought.
  6. What values and beliefs proved to be the most helpful for me this year?
  7. Did I accomplish anything for the first time this year that I am proud of?
    • If so, what was it?

Turn towards the future

When drawing conclusions, use a forward-looking lens, i.e., think about what your goals are for the upcoming year. This section will be called "personal advice." Below are some sample questions to guide you in your reflection. Feel free to add your own.

  1. How could I have taken better care of myself this year?
  2. What do I want to learn, or improve this year?
  3. What habit can I change to feel more at ease with myself?
  4. What are some things I wish to accomplish in the different areas of my life?

How do I frame the advice? The important thing is to frame the advice in a way that suits you and allows you to implement your goals in a clear and realistic manner.

For example, a piece of personalized advice could be: This month, for my physical well-being, I will ride my stationary bike for 30 minutes three times a week.

Given your situation and your abilities, identify solutions that could help you move forward. Ultimately, if the advice is no longer realistic you can always modify it as you go. To do this, we encourage you to refocus on your initial desire to improve your daily life which is what the advice is meant for. The number of personalized pieces of advice is unique to each individual.

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Don't forget, Caregiver Support is available to listen, help and guide. Don't hesitate to reach us by phone at 1 855 852-7784, or by email.


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